Are you trying to raise funds for a non-profit, charity, or college? Do you have a great idea, website, or product to offer? Are you a business looking for a great email and mailing list or know a salesman with something “big” to sell?
Do you need money for an invention or have a great investment opportunity but need investors?
If so, we have just what you need – the extra “something” to succeed: Millionaires with bulging bank accounts that give to people all over the world.
The real extra, secret, “something,” is all U.S. Millionaires Names, email and Mailing Addresses, Corporate Addresses and Info, and Company Links of All United States Millionaires and even the entire Forbes 400 Richest List for 2013
- Send any sales literature to Millionaires & Investors or ask for a grant for college
- Send personal letters, fund raising, or charity contribution requests to Millionaires
- Let the Millionaire know about your latest investment opportunity
- Inform the Millionaire about your limousine company or hotel
- Send information to Millionaire about a new product idea you have
- Perfect list for wardrobe and hair stylists, masseuse, and personal care attendants
- Perfect for real estate agents looking for Millionaires to sell/buy Mansions to or from
- Perfect for aviation businesses looking for Millionaire Clients
- Inform the Millionaire about your limousine company or hotel
- Excellent tool for all high volume sales people looking for top of the line clients
- Our list is a MUST for stock brokers, investors, and high end securities companies
- Use our Millionaire Mailing & Email List to reference names to follow on stock market trades
- Perfect for fund raising campaigns, and political groups
- Excellent for attorneys looking for higher end Millionaire clients
- A must for construction, home builders, security or even interior designers
- Great for Landscape Architects
- Lawn Care Service Industry –Millionaires spend hundreds of thousands per year
- And Thousands Of Other Uses!
RSA LIST SERVICES CORP. has the largest Investor & Millionaires Email List available on the market, we have a database of over 7 Million.
Did you know that there were over 7 Million Millionaires in America, according to the latest survey ? *
If you sell high ticket items, stocks, real estate or any other form of investments, you need to have our Investor & Millionaire Email Contact List.
RSA LIST SERVICES CORP. provides business and individuals the ability to purchase potential investor& wealthy Individual emails at a relatively low cost. We know how costly and ineffective it can be to advertise on the search engines, especially in the financial industry, when you pay as high as $3-$4 for a click and that does not even guarantee you an interested investor.
RSA’s Investor Lists have been compiled and accumulated over the years from our privately owned, partner and associate web sites and can give you quick and cost effective access to them.
This exclusive database contains wealthy professionals; Attorneys, doctors, dentists, real estate professionals, entrepreneurs & business owners, executives of America’s largest corporations.
All are prequalified investors and have a “High Net Worth” of over 1 Million dollars.
The database provides the full contact information ; address, phone, fax and most importantly their “email addresses”. By having email address of these difficult to reach wealthy people, you can get your message out to them in a flash, and make sure that they have accesses information on your product or services, prior to calling on them or meeting them.
You may specify the categories of professionals you want to target. We have contact information for the following professionals:
- Doctors/Physicians
- Dentists
- Lawyers
- Real Estate Professionals
- Executives
- Business Owners/ Entrepreneurs
For pennies per record, you will have all the contact information on America’s wealthiest people.
RSA LIST SERVICES continuously updates its databases in an efforts to ensure that the data you receive is the utmost in quality and accuracy. We will replace any inaccurate records returned to us, from your date of purchase for 12 months, guaranteeing that you will be working with fresh data for 1 year.